Barley Porridge / Barley Conjee/ Barley Kanji




Porridge is a common gruel,  which eaten in most South Indian homes . It makes for a quick nourishing meal and is fuss free. Barley Kanji is one such porridge , which can be filling and nourishing .

It is also given as a meal when one is sick . Women during pregnancy too take Barley  Conjee,  to remove the unwanted water, which gets stored in the body

Barley has other benefits too . It has anti inflammatory properties and rich in anti oxidants . It reduces cholesterol and promotes gut health . It removes unwanted fat ,from the body and helps in increasing iron content .  It is an ideal breakfast meal to be had with vegetables or with milk .


  1. Barley   1 cup
  2. Water  5 cups
  3. Milk 1 cup
  4. Sugar 2 teaspoons
  5. Nuts  1 tablespoon



  • Pressure cook barley pearls , adding water in a pressure cooker, till 3 to 4 whistles .
  • Add milk and sugar to the cooled barley . Add nuts and stir. Serve .
  • Ideal morning pick me up.