When the heat is in full blast , cool your mind and senses.
Drink some Jamun juice.
Nagapazha juice or Jamun /Indian blackberry is a seasonal fruit , available in plenty in the summers.
They can be eaten as it is .This crimson red beauty is full.of antioxidants and used in many alternative medicines.
It’s said to be good in preventing diabetes , purifies the blood , cures digestive issues , antibacterial , anti malarial and has host of other benefits .
Moreover it’s very delicious to eat , it’s sweet tarty taste is liked by all.
Can be used in making cakes , smoothies pies etc .
Use them in salads, replacing other costlier berries.
Jamun 2 cups ( deseeded )
Ice cubes 2 cups
Salt 1/4 teaspoon
Honey 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
In a blender , add all the above and give a spin .
Lovely , colourful juice is ready to slurp .
Add a sprig of mint on top before serving .
Add more chilled water ,if you want to dilute the juice
Add more lemon juice for a tangier taste
Himalayan salt , black salt , chaat masala , cumin seed powder could also be in used as a topping .
Enjoy when it’s in season .
One can add coconut sugar or country sugar for sweetness.