Aval Puttu / Beaten Rice flakes Puttu






A traditional sweet delicacy , which is generally made during Janmashtami . Its the favorite grain of Lord Krishna , hence its made as an offering to the Lord . The Puttu is also made from rice known as Rice Puttu .However Aval Puttu is easier to prepare  and gets done faster .


  1.   Aval / Beaten rice flakes   2 cups
  2. Jaggery One and half cups
  3. Coconut Grated    half cup
  4. Ghee 2 tablespoons
  5. Cashwenuts 8 to 10
  6. Cardamom Powder  half a teaspoon
  7. Turmeric Powder  a pinch
  8. Salt 1/4 teaspoon
  9. Pachaikarpooram or Edible Camphor


  • In a deep pan , dry roast the Aval /Beaten rice flakes  to light brown colour . Use thick variety of Aval or Beaten flakes .
  • Grind to a coarse powder . Add turmeric and salt  . Mix well.
  • If using ,red beaten flakes , dry roast for a two to three minutes in low heat . Stir often .
  • Shallow fry the cashewnuts and coconut , to light brown ,one after the other  in the  pan , adding one tablespoon of ghee .
  • Heat two cups of water . When it is lukewarm , sprinkle a handful over,  the powdered Aval and mix with hand . It will absorb the water , but still will be semi dry .
  • Take a little of the mixture in your hand , and make a ball , it will stay such and then release it . It will crumble again .
  • In an idli vessel or a steamer , heat water . when it steams ,  keep the powdered aval in the Puttu maker and steam for  6 to  8 minutes . Keep aside .
  • Meanwhile , heat jaggery in kadai , adding half a cup of water . When it dissolves , strain it.
  • Cook again,  the strained syrup till it becomes thick ,sticky and froths . Put a drop in a vessel with water , the drop will hold its shape and wont dissolve .
  • This is the correct consistency for jaggery .
  • Add the grated coconut  and mix well . Add the syrup  ,cashewnuts and cardamom powder to the  steamed puttu . Stir and mix well .
  • Add the remaining ghee and mix well.
  • Add a pinch of Pachaikarpooram or edible camphor to the Puttu .  The Puttu will be  a little sticky at first . as it cools it will become  dry .
  • A wonderful tasty sweet  dish is ready . Enjoy .



  • The Aval / Beaten Rice flakes , can be sprinkled with hot water and kept aside till they become soft. The process can be repeated two to three times .
  • It can be then, added to the jaggery syrup to make the puttu.